Hiatus Update 2

The wait is finally coming to an end! I’m happy to announce Laura B R as the new artist for the comic, and we’ve been hard at work getting ready to pick things back up again! Page 20 is coming next week, and to tide you over until then, here is a preview of her art, taken from the model sheets she made of our 3 main characters. -David

Hiatus Update

So a while back Andrew got a new job and because of that hasn’t had as much spare time. Since we were on hiatus it took a little while to really sink in, but as of a couple weeks ago he let me know he’d be stepping down as the primary artist as he hasn’t had enough time to dedicate to the project and doesn’t see that changing in the near future....

An Update

Hey, I’m sorry to announce we’re putting the comic on hiatus for a couple months while we work on improving a few workflow related things. This will allow us to be more consistent and punctual with our output when we return. A big thanks to everyone who has followed and supported so far; we can’t wait to show you what we have planned! -David

Good Friday Interlude

No new page today because of Good Friday. See you next week. -David

Schedule Change

Unfortunately due to time constraints, we aren’t able to keep up the every other Friday schedule at the moment, and as such we’re switching to every third Friday and seeing how that goes. -David

Christmas Interlude

No new page today because of the holiday. However, I’m not so cruel as to make all 3 of my fans wait basically a whole month for a new page, so see you next week instead. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year! -David